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Category:3D graphics software Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows Category:Computer-aided design software for LinuxQ: Using where conditions with join query using a subquery I am trying to create a report that lists out a group of users who have a particular value in one of their accounts, the report will use a join query and a subquery, I have the two queries working on their own, however when I try to use them together they no longer work. Here is my query: SELECT, u.username,, n.username,, ISNULL(,0) AS accountTypeId, ISNULL(at.accountType,0) AS accountTypeName FROM users u LEFT JOIN accounts at ON (at.user = LEFT JOIN accounts n ON (n.user = LEFT JOIN nb_users_accounts nua ON (nua.user = WHERE (n.username = 'Fred') AND (u.accountType = 1) AND (at.accountType = 1) AND (at.accountType = 1) I have used a number of variations on this with the same result: Invalid column name 'at.accountType' Is there a way to combine these queries? A: What I ended up using ac619d1d87

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